What worked for me before is to eat like 5 or 6 times per day, as tough as that is (and it is tough because sometimes you are in the middle of something else when it's time to eat), and the reasonably sized carb must also be accompanied by a protein. Carbs are never eaten by themselves. And no fruit and sugars like that to start with, however I'm going to break this because I will continue to drink my MonaVie. I won't be without that.
I don't cook much and so specific recipes and things don't work well for me. If I can just start back to this frequent eating, combining carbs with proteins, and not OVERcarbing, and fitting lots of veggies in, that will be a good start. If i stick to that, maybe I'll throw something more strict in there.
Exercise, that is a tough one. I can walk at work and I walk the dog each night, but for me it's not enough to raise my heartrate at all. I am one of those fat chicks who really can heave herself up the stairs quickly and not be winded. It takes a lot for me to get my heartrate rolling. I cannot afford Curves or anything like that right now, so I'm going to have to maybe start using the gym stuff at work, plus walk around the Capitol once a day. I know for me that curbing the eating will have an effect because I really do consume tooooooo many calories. And I don't have a quick metabolism.
I would be happy at 200 lbs, but really would like to shoot for 190 and if things were going swell and it was easy I would even try for 180. To be a size 14 again would make me ecstatic. I don't want it to seem impossible, so I won't state that I demand to be a size 12 again. :)
That is where I am at. So, I better start getting excited about hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, and a host of other non-carb snack foods!!!