Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm On Board

Hey Everyone:

I thought I would try this with our fantastic group, as I have managed to sabotage my earlier efforts at weight loss all by myself. More about that later.

I have 40-50 lbs to lose. Maybe more, but when I get there I will know. This is the most I have ever weighed. I lived most of my life from the age of 14 to 43 as a size 10. I did have to lose 45 lbs after my first pregnancy and 32 after my second one. I was not one of those women that "the weight just fell" off, I had to work at it, and hard. (And FYI, breastfeeding just made me hungrier) But at least I know how to do it. I also know it's not easy.

I started gradually putting weight on about 6 years ago. I attributed much of it to lifestyle changes, and there is truth to that. But also somethings started happening physically. Nerve problems in my right foot, limiting high heels and exercise. Last year I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's which is a thyroid condition. I have probably had it for 8-10 years. The good news is that medication can regulate this condition, the bad news is it takes awhile, but I am definitely on the upward mend. One thing that happens with me and my thyroid condition is that my blood sugar gets completely out of whack. Starvation diets are out for me. If I don't have enough fuel in my system I crash, and it's really ugly. The last few years I have overcompensated for this by overeating. I am deathly afraid of going into a low blood sugar attack. It makes me really sick and disoriented and takes about 24 hours to recover.

Another thing that happened this year was that after they started treating me for my thyroid I developed edema. Go figure. So I am limited on salt, although not terribly. But if I break the rules, even on 40 MG of Lasix a day, I have the worst cankles you have ever seen. So I have to watch my sodium, and Chinese Food is out, because MSG is the worst offender, and most Chinese places use it.

One year ago I was on no prescriptions, now I have 5, and if I don't lose some weight and get my blood pressure under control I will have to go on another. That from my doctor after my last visit in November. It got me pretty motivated, and I sat and thought long and hard about how can I succeed at this? I have done it before, after all. Here is what I came up:

10 Commandment of Weight Loss for Marta

1.) Drink water---lots of it!*
2.) Lose the booze (I am a native No. Californian and I love wine!)
3.) Exercise*
4.) Weight lifting 2 X a week
5.) Keep a faithful food diary*
6.) Keep calories at aprox. 1600*
7.) Do not eat later than 7PM*
8.) Do not eat fried food*
9.) 10,000 steps a day on a pedometer, and you will not gain weight.

10.) Plan, plan, plan. Then stick to the plan.*

*Every single day!

I stuck to this for about the first 10 days of December and started noticing results immediately. Let me say, I did not do every single thing on the list, but I did 6 or 7 things, everyday. The biggest change was that I felt better. I also felt better about not being out of control with food. It was a great feeling. It started falling apart the week-end that I had my kitchen torn apart and redone, we ate take out for 4 days. Then Cook's Holiday, then Christmas. I just decided to hang it up until after the holidays. But I was glad I was able to do it and stick to it for that small amount of time. I realized, I can do this!!! I had enough food in me (the right kind) at all times to keep my motor running and I never felt in danger of going into LBS mode.

The nerve problems in my foot have abated since I gave up heels, so at least I can walk, which I love to do. I'm also going to buy a bicycle in the near future because that is something I have always enjoyed, and I can do it with my kids. I know exercise is going to be a challenge with little kids coming home soon but for me it is critical in losing weight.

Lisa, I don't think I will be able to realize the sundress fantasy by the time I pick up the girls, but I hope to be well on my way to a better lifestyle and a substantial weight-loss. Last time I was in Haiti, Widmina held up a pair of my Capri's, and said in English "large!" and laughed. Ouch!


1 comment:

  1. OMG Marta that is so funny about Widmina's comment LOL. G just asked me in bed tonight, about her Tati Lori (who is big an used to be HUGE and has low hangin' boobs) she goes "Mommy, why Lori's boobs are old?"

    I know I am headed for some of those issues too, if I don't nip this in the bud. Lucky for me, even though I am around 250 lbs, I have very low cholesterol and really really low bad cholesterol. but the blood pressure is starting to creep up....



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